Ahmet Sinan Cevik


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Papers - (Published & Accepted)

A. SCI, SCI-Exp., ESCI  and  Web of Science:

A1. Çevik, A.S., “The Efficiency of Standard Wreath Product”, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 43(2), 415-423 (2000).  (SCI - Web of Science)

A2. Çevik, A.S., “The p-Cockcroft property of Central Extensions of Groups”, Communications in Algebra, 29(3), 1085-1094 (2001). DOI: 10.1081/AGB-100001668 (SCI - Web of Science)

A3. Çevik, A.S., “The p-Cockcroft property of Semi-Direct Products of Monoids”, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 13(1), 1-16 (2003). DOI: 10.1142/S0218196703001298 (SCI - Web of Science)

A4. Çevik, A.S., “Minimal but Inefficient Presentations of the Semi-Direct Product of Some Monoids”, Semigroup Forum, 66(1), 1-17 (2003). DOI: 10.1007/s002330010148 (SCI - Web of Science)

A5. Çevik, A.S., “Efficiency for Self Semi-Direct Products of the Free Abelian Monoid on Two Generators”, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol 35(1), 47-59 2005.  DOI: 10.1216/rmjm/1181069767 (SCI - Web of Science)

A6. Çevik, A.S., “One dimension higher of the word problem”, Mathematica Scandinavica, Vol. 95 (2), 161-171, (2004).  (SCI - Web of Science)

A7. Çevik, A.S., “Minimal But Inefficient presentations for self semidirect products of the free abelian monoid on two generators”, Communications in Algebra, Vol 35, 2583-2587, (2007) DOI: 10.1080/00927870701327732  (SCI - Web of Science)

A8. Çevik, A.S., (with Fırat Ateş), “The p-Cockcroft property of Central Extensions of Groups II”, Monatshefte Für Mathematik, Vol 150(3), 181-191, (2007). DOI: 10.1007/s00605-006-0435-3 (SCI - Web of Science)

A9. Çevik, A.S., (with Fırat Ateş), “(Cyclic) Subgroup Separability of HNN and Split Extensions,  Mathematica Slovaca, Vol. 57(1), 33-40, (2007). DOI: 10.2478/s12175-007-0012-9 (SCI - Web of Science)

A10. Çevik, A.S., (with Fırat Ateş), “Separability and Efficiency under Standard Wreath Products in terms of Cayley Graphs”, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol 38, Number 3, 779-800, (2008). DOI: 10.1216/RMJ-2008-38-3-779 (SCI - Web of Science)

A11. Çevik, A.S., (with Cangül, N., Koruoglu, O.) “The isomorphism between two fundamental groups by Cayley Graphs”, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 17, No. 1, 17-23, (2008). (SCI - Web of Science)

A12. Çevik, A.S., (with Karpuz, E.G.), "The word and generalized word problem for semigroups under wreath products", Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 52(100) No. 2, 151–160, (2009). (SCI - Web of Science)

A13. Çevik, A.S., (with Fırat Ateş), “Knit products of finite cyclic groups and their applications”, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova, Vol 121, 1-12, (2009). (SCI - Web of Science)

A14. Çevik, A.S., (with Ivan Gutman, A. Dilek Gungor, S.B. Bozkurt), “Randic Matrix and Randic Energy” MATCH – Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, Vol 64(1), 239-250, (2010). (SCI - Web of Science)

A15. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Gungor), “On the Harary Energy and Harary Estrada Index of a Graph” MATCH – Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, Vol 64(1), 281-296, (2010).  (SCI - Web of Science)

A16. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Gungor, Firat Ates, Eylem G. Karpuz, I. Naci Cangul), “Generalization for Estrada Index”, Conference Information: 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010), SEP 19-25 2010, Rhodes, GREECE Source: GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, (Edt.T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras), Volume 1281, pg.1106-1110, 2010.  (Web of Science)

A17. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Gungor, Firat Ates, Eylem G. Karpuz, I. Naci Cangul), “A New Example of Deficiency One Groups”, Conference Information: 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010), SEP 19-25 2010, Rhodes, GREECE Source: GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, (Edt.T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras), Volume 1281, pg. 1111-1116, 2010.  (Web of Science)

A18. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Gungor, Firat Ates, Eylem G. Karpuz, I. Naci Cangul), “On the Norms of Toeplitz and Henkel Matrices with Pell Numbers”, Conference Information: 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010), SEP 19-25 2010, Rhodes, GREECE Source: GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, (Edt.T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras), Volume 1281, pg. 1117-1120, 2010.  (Web of Science)

A19. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Gungor, Firat Ates, Eylem G. Karpuz, I. Naci Cangul), “On the Efficiency of Semi-Direct Products of Finite Cyclic Monoids by One-Relator Monoids”, Conference Information: 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010), SEP 19-25 2010, Rhodes, GREECE Source: GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, (Edt.T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras), Volume 1281, pg. 1121-1124, 2010.  (Web of Science)

A20. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Gungor, Dilek Namli, Ahmet Tekcan, I. Naci Cangul), “Primes in ${\mathbb Z}[exp \frac{2i\pi}{3}]$”, Conference Information: 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010), SEP 19-25 2010, Rhodes, GREECE Source: GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, (Edt.T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras), Volume 1281, pg. 1129-1132, 2010.  (Web of Science)

A21. Çevik, A.S., (with Özel, C., Karpuz E.) “Rewriting as a special case of noncommutative Gröbner Bases theory for the Afine Weyl Group $\widetilde{A}_{n}$”, Ring and Module Theory, Book Series: Birkhause-Trends in Mathematics, Pages: 73-82, VI+200 ISBN: 978-3-0346-0006-4 Conference: International Conference on Ring Module Theory, (Edt.: T. Albu, A. Tercan), Location: 18-22 Agustos 2008 Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, (Web of Science)

A22. Çevik, A.S., (with Eylem G. Karpuz, Firat Ates, Canan Kocapinar), “Gröbner-Shirshov bases of some monoids”, Discrete Mathematics, Vol 311(1), 1064-1071, (2011). DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2011.03.008 (SCI - Web of Science)

A23. Çevik, A.S., (with Eylem G. Karpuz), “A new example of strongly $\pi$-inverse monoids”, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics , Vol. 40(3), 461-468, (2011). (SCI - Web of Science)

A24. Çevik, A.S., (with Eylem G. Karpuz, Firat Ates, A. Dilek Maden, I. Naci Cangul), “The next step of the word problem over monoids”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, 794-798, (2011). DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.03.076 (SCI - Web of Science)

A25. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Maden), “Some bounds for extreme singular values of a complex matrix”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, 762-765, (2011).  DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.03.073 (SCI - Web of Science)

A26. Çevik, A.S., (with Firat Ates, Eylem G. Karpuz),“The efficiency of the semi-direct products of free abelian monoid with rank n by the infinite cyclic monoid”,
Conference Information: 9th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011 (ICNAAM 2011), SEP 19-25 2011, Halkidiki, GREECE 
Source: GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS,Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, (Edt.T.E. Simos), Volume 1389, pg. 312-314, 2011.  (Web of Science)

A27. Çevik, A.S., (with Firat Ates, Eylem G. Karpuz), “Conjugacy for free groups under split extensions”, Conference Information: 9th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011 (ICNAAM 2011), SEP 19-25 2011, Halkidiki, GREECE Source: GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, (Edt.T.E. Simos), Volume 1389, pg. 361-366, 2011.  (Web of Science)

A28. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Gungor, Kinkar Das), “On Kirchhoff Index and Resistance-Distance Energy of a Graph”, MATCH – Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, Vol 67(2), 541-556, (2012). (SCI - Web of Science)

A29. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Maden), “A generalization for the clique and independence numbers”, ELA – The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Vol 23, 164-170, (2012). (SCI - Web of Science)

A30. Çevik, A.S., (with Eylem G. Karpuz, Firat Ates, Canan Kocapinar), “Grobner-Shirshov bases of the generalized Bruck-Reilly $*$-extensions”, Algebra Colloquium Vol 19 (Spec 1), 813-820, (2012). (SCI - Web of Science)

A31. Çevik, A.S., (with I. Naci Cangül, Aysun Yurttaş, Muge Togan),“Some formulae for the Zagreb indices of graphs”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2012 (ICNAAM-2012) Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1479 pages 365-367, 2012  Edited by: Simos, T; Psihoyios, G; Tsitouras, C; Anastassi, Z.; Conference: 10th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM) Location: Rhodes, Greece Date: SEP 19-25, 2012 Source: Generating Functions of Special Numbers and Polynomials and Their Applications (Web of Science)

A32. Çevik, A.S., (with Eylem G. Karpuz), “Gröbner-Shirshov Bases for Extended Modular, Extended Hecke and Picard Groups”, Mathematical Notes, Vol 92(5), 636-642, (2012) Published in Russian in Matematicheskie Zametki, 2012, Vol. 92(5), pp. 699–706. (SCI - Web of Science)

A33. Çevik, A.S., (with E. G. Karpuz), “On the solvability of word problem by Adian graphs” Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. (Kyungshang) Vol 22(2), 317-323, (2012). (SCI - Web of Science)

A34. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Maden and Kinkar Ch. Das), “Sharp upper bounds on the spectral radius of the Signless Laplacian matrix of a graph”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 219(10), 5025-5032, (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2012.11.039 (SCI - Web of Science

A35. Çevik, A.S., (with N. Akgüneş),  “A new bound of radius with irregularity index”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 219(11), 5750-5753, (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2012.11.081 (SCI - Web of Science)

A36. Çevik, A.S., (with I.N. Cangul and Y. Simsek),  “Analysis Approach to Finite Monoids”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol. 2013, Issue 1, 2013:15 doi:10.1186/1687-1812-2013-15 (SCI - Web of Science)

A37. Çevik, A.S., (with N. Akgüneş and K.Ch. Das),  “On a graph of monogenic semigroups”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Vol. 2013, 2013:44 doi:10.1186/1029-242X-2013-44  (SCI - Web of Science)

A38. Çevik, A.S., (with K.Ch. Das, I.N. Cangul, Y. Simsek), “Some array polynomials over special monoid presentations”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol. 2013, 2013:44 doi:10.1186/1687-1812-2013-44 (SCI - Web of Science)

A39. Çevik, A.S., (with K.Ch. Das, M. Togan, A. Yurttas, I.N. Cangul), “The multiplicative Zagreb indices of graph operations”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Vol. 2013, 2013:90  DOI 10.1186/1029-242X-2013-90 (SCI - Web of Science)  

A40. Çevik, A.S., (with I.N. Cangul and Y. Simsek),  “A new approach to connect Algebra with Analysis: Relationships and Applications between Presentations and Generating Functions”, Boundary Value Problems, Vol 2013, 2013:51 DOI 10.1186/1687-2770-2013-51. (SCI - Web of Science

A41. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, K.Ch. Das, I.N. Cangul), “A new graph based on the semi-direct product of some monoids”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Vol 2013, 2013:118  DOI: 10.1186/1029-242X-2013-118. (SCI - Web of Science

A42. Çevik, A.S., (with I.N. Cangul, K.Ch. Das and A. Dilek Maden) “On the spectral radius of bipartite graphs which are nearly complete”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Vol 2013, 2013:121  DOI:10.1186/1029-242X-2013-121 (SCI - Web of Science

A43. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates, I.N. Cangul), “The graph based on Gröbner-Shirshov bases of groups”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol. 2013, 2013:71 DOI:10.1186/1687-1812-2013-71 (SCI - Web of Science)

A44. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, J. Koppitz, I.N. Cangul), “Some fixed point results on (Generalized) Bruck-Reilly *-extensions of monoids”, Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2013, 2013:78  DOI:10.1186/1687-1812-2013-78 (SCI - Web of Science

A45. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, B.S. Shetty, P.S. Ranjini, I.Naci Cangul), “New bounds for Randic and GA Indices”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2013, 2013:180 DOI:10.1186/1029-242X-2013-180 (SCI - Web of Science)

A46. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Maden and Ivan Gutman), “Bounds for Resistance-Distance Spectral Radius”, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 42 (1) (2013), 43-50 (SCI - Web of Science

A47. Çevik, A.S., (with N. Akgunes, Kinkar Ch. Das, I.Naci Cangul), “Some properties on the lexicographic product of graphs obtained by monogenic semigroups”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2013, 2013:238 DOI:10.1186/1029-242X-2013-238 (SCI - Web of Science)

A48. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Maden), “New Distance-Based Graph Invariants and Relations Among Them”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 219, 11171-11177 (2013), DOI:10.1016/j.amc.2013.05.024  (SCI - Web of Science)

A49. Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Ch. Das, Ivan Gutman, Bo Zhou), “On Laplacian Energy”, MATCH – Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, Vol 70(2), 689-696, (2013). (SCI - Web of Science)

A50. Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Ch. Das, Kexiang Xu, I. Naci Cangul, Ante Graovac), “On the Harary index of graph operations”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2013, 2013:339 DOI:10.1186/1029-242X-2013-339 (SCI - Web of Science)

A51. Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Ch. Das, I. Naci Cangul), “The number of spanning trees of a graph”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2013, 2013:395  DOI:10.1186/1029-242X-2013-395  (SCI - Web of Science)

A52. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Maden), “Majorization bounds for signless Laplacian eigenvalues”, ELA – The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Vol 26, November 2013, 781-794 (SCI - Web of Science)

A53. RETRACTION: On the Kirchhoff matrix, a new Kirchhoff index, and the Kirchhoff energy”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014, 2014:424 DOI: 10.1186/1029-242X-2014-424 (SCI - Web of Science) Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Ch. Das, I. Naci Cangul, A. Dilek Maden).

A54. Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Ch. Das, Ivan Gutman), “On the Laplacian-Energy-Like Invariant”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol 442, 58-68 (2014) DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2013.05.002 (SCI - Web of Science)

A55. Çevik, A.S., (with N. Akgunes and Kinkar Ch. Das), “Some properties on the tensor product of graphs obtained by monogenic semigroups”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 235, 352-357 (2014), DOI:10.1016/j.amc.2014.03.007  (SCI - Web of Science)

A56. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Maden and Nader Habibi), “New bounds for the spread of the signless Laplacian spectrum”, MIA - Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Vol 17(1), 283-294 (2014), DOI: 10.7153/mia-17-23  (SCI - Web of Science)

A57. Çevik, A.S., (with K.Ch. Das, I. Naci Cangul and A. Dilek Maden), “Minimality over free monoid presentations”, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 43(6), 899-913 (2014)  (SCI - Web of Science)

A58. Çevik, A.S., (with I. Naci Cangul and Yilmaz Simsek), “Generalizations of q-Apostol Type Eulerian Numbers and polynomials, and their Interpolation Functions”, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (ASCM), Volume 25, Number 2, April 2015, 211-220.  (Web of Science)

A59. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates, J. Koppitz), “Gröbner-Shirshov bases and embedding of a semigroup in a group”, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (ASCM), Volume 25, Number 4, October 2015, 537-545.  (Web of Science)

A60. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates), “Gröbner-Shirshov bases of some Weyl groups”, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Volume 45, Number 4, 1165-1175, (2015) (SCI - Web of Science)

A61. Çevik, A.S., (with N. Akgunes, Kinkar Ch. Das, M. Togan, A. Yurttas, I.N. Cangul), “On the first Zagreb index and multiplicative Zagreb coindices of graphs”, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Vol XXIV Fascicola 1 (2016). (SCI - Web of Science)

A62. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates, I.N. Cangul), “A presentation and some finiteness conditions for a new version of the Shützenberger product of monoids”, Turkish Journal of Mathematics (TJM), Vol 40, 224-233, (2016) DOI: 10.3906/mat-1502-73. (SCI - Web of Science)

A63. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates, I.N. Cangul, E.K. Cetinalp), “On Commutator and Power Subgroups of some Coxeter Groups”, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS), Vol 10, Number 2, 777-783, (2016). DOI: 10.18576/amis/100238 (Web of Science)

A64. Çevik, A.S., (with S. Topkaya), “A new graph over semi-direct products of groups”, Filomat, Vol 30, Number 3, 611-619, (2016). DOI: 10.2298/FIL1603611T (SCI - Web of Science)

A65. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates, E.K. Cetinalp), “Two-sided crossed products of groups”, Filomat, Vol 30, Number 4, 1005-1012, (2016). DOI: 10.2298/FIL1604005C (SCI - Web of Science)

A66. Çevik, A.S., (with N. Urlu, E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates, I.N. Cangul), “A note on the Gröbner-Shirshov bases over ad-hoc extensions of groups”, Filomat, Vol 30, Number 4, 1037-1043, (2016). DOI: 10.2298/FIL1604037K (SCI - Web of Science)

A67. Çevik, A.S., (with A.R. Bindusree, I.N. Cangul, V. Lokesha), “Zagreb polynomials of three graph operators”, Filomat, Vol 30, Number 7, 1979-1986, (2016). DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607979B (SCI - Web of Science)

A68. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates, I.N. Cangul), “Finite Derivation Type of Graph Products of Monoids”, Filomat, Vol 30, Number 7, 1987-1995, (2016).  DOI: 10.2298/FIL1607987K. (SCI - Web of Science

A69. Çevik, A.S., (with I. Naci Cangül, Aysun Yurttaş, Muge Togan),“New formulae for Zagreb indices”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2016 (ICNAAM-2016) Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1863  Article Number: UNSP 300013-1 Published: 2017 doi: 10.1063/1.4992462  Edited by: Simos, T; Tsitouras, C, Conference: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM) Location: Rhodes, Greece Date: SEP 19-25, 2016 (Web of Science)

A70. Çevik, A.S., (with K. Ch. Das, A.D. Maden, I.N. Cangul), “On average eccentricity of graphs”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci., 87(1), 23–30, (2017) DOI. 10.1007/s40010-016-0315-8 (SCI - Web of Science)

A71. Çevik, A.S., (with I. Gutman, M. Togan, A. Yurttas, I.N. Cangul), “Inverse Problem for Sigma Index”, MATCH – Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, Vol 79(2), 491-508, (2018). (SCI - Web of Science)

A72. Çevik, A.S., (with F. Ates, E. G. Karpuz), “Gröbner-Shirshov basis for the singular part of the Brauer semigroup”, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol 42, 1338-1347, (2018). (SCI - Web of Science)

A73. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, R. Shruti, P.S. Ranjini), “On certain topological indices of nanostructures using $Q(G)$ and $R(G)$ operators”, Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. Volume 66, Number 2, 178-187, (2018). (ESCI - Web of Science)

A74. Çevik, A.S., (with E. K. Cetinalp, E. G. Karpuz), “Complete Rewriting System for the Shutzenberger Product of n Groups”, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Vol 12(1), 1950012, (2019). (ESCI - Web of Science)

A75. Çevik, A.S., (with M. Togan, A. Yurttas, I.N. Cangul), “Zagreb indices and multiplicative Zagreb indices of double graphs of subdivision graphs”, TWMS J. App. Eng. Math. Vol 9(2), 404-412, (2019). (ESCI - Web of Science)

A76. Çevik, A.S., (with S. Aykac, N. Akgunes), “Analysis of Zagreb indices over zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings”, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 12(6) (2019) 2040003 (19 pages). (ESCI - Web of Science)

A77. Çevik, A.S., (with N. U. Ozalan, E. G. Karpuz), “A new semigroup obtained via known ones”, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 12(6) (2019) 2040008 (13 pages). (ESCI - Web of Science)

A78. Çevik, A.S., (with M. Togan, A. Yurttas, A.S. Cevik, I.N. Cangul), “Efect of Edge Deletion and Addition on Zagreb Indices of Graphs”, Mathematical Methods in Engineering, Theoretical Aspects, (Tas, K., Baleanu, D., Machado, J. (eds)), Book Series: Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, Volume 23, Springer, pg. 191-201, 2019. Conference: International Symposium on Mathematical Methods in Engineering (MME) Location: Cankaya Univ, Ankara, TURKEY Date: APR 27-29, 2017 (Web of Science)

A79. Çevik, A.S., (with N. Akgunes, I.N. Cangul, A.S. Cevik), “A Note on the Upper Bound of Average Distance via Irregularity Index”, Mathematical Methods in Engineering, Theoretical Aspects, (Tas, K., Baleanu, D., Machado, J. (eds)), Book Series: Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, Volume 23, Springer, pg. 267-271, 2019. Conference: International Symposium on Mathematical Methods in Engineering (MME) Location: Cankaya Univ, Ankara, TURKEY Date: APR 27-29, 2017 (Web of Science)

A80. Çevik, A.S., “An example of large groups”, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 57(1), 195-206 (2020). (SCI - Web of Science)

A81. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, H.H. Alsulami, E.K. Cetinalp), “A Gröbner-Shirshov basis over a special type of braid monoids”, AIMS-Mathematics 5(5), 4357-4370 (2020). (SCI - Web of Science)

A82. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, S. Jain, M. Muddalapuram, I.N. Cangul), “Bounds for the sum of cubes of vertex degrees of splice graphs”, TWMS J. App. Eng. Math. Vol 10(3), 741-750, (2020). (ESCI - Web of Science)

A83. Çevik, A.S. (with I.N. Cangul, A. Yurttas Gunes, S. Delen, M. Demirci), “Fibonacci Graphs”, MDPI-Symmetry 2020, Vol 12 Issue 9, 1383; doi:10.3390/sym12091383. (SCI - Web of Science)

A84. Çevik, A.S., (with S. A. Wazzan, F. Ates), “Some algebraic structures on the generalization general products of monoids and semigroups”, Arabian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 9(3), 727-737, (2020). (ESCI - Web of Science)

A85. Çevik, A.S., (with A. H. Albargi), “A solution of the word problem for braid groups via the complex reflection group G12”, Filomat, Vol 34, No 2, 461-467, (2020) (SCI - Web of Science)

A86. Çevik, A.S., (with S. A. Wazzan, F. Ates), “The new derivation for wreath products of monoids”, Filomat, Vol 34, No 2, 683-689, (2020) (SCI - Web of Science)

A87. Çevik, A.S. (with K.Ch. Das, I.N. Cangul, Y. Shang), “On Sombor index”, MDPI-Symmetry 2021, Vol 13 Issue 1, 140; https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13010140. (SCI - Web of Science)

A88. Çevik, A.S., (with S. A. Wazzan, F. Ates), “A higher version of Zappa products for monoids”, HJMS-Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 50, No 1, 224-234, (2021). DOI : 10.15672/hujms.703437 (SCI - Web of Science)

A89. Çevik, A.S., (with F. Ates, E.G. Karpuz), “On the geometry of the crossed product of groups”, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 58(5), 1301-1314 (2021) (SCI - Web of Science)

A90. Çevik, A.S., (with M. Demirci, S. Delen, I.N. Cangul), “Omega index of line and total graphs”, Journal of Mathematics Vol 2021, Article ID 5552202, 6 pages (2021) https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5552202 (SCI - Web of Science)

A91. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, Suvarna, I.N. Cangul), “VL Reciprocal status index and co-index ofl graphs”, Journal of Mathematics Vol 2021, Article ID 5529080, 10 pages (2021) https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5529080 (SCI - Web of Science)

A92. Çevik, A.S., (with S. Delen, M. Demirci, I.N. Cangul), “On Omega index and average degree of graphs”, Journal of Mathematics Vol 2021, Article ID 5565146, 5 pages (2021) https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5565146 (SCI - Web of Science)

A93. Çevik, A.S., (with N.U. Ozalan, I.N. Cangul), “The second Omega index”, Current Organic Synthesis, 21(3), 286-291, (2024); https://doi.org/10.2174/0115701794250566231115075551 (SCI - Web of Science)

B. Papers published in other indexes:

B1. Çevik, A.S., “The Efficiency on 2-generators of Semi-Direct Product of Groups”, Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat., 48, 7-13 (1999).

B2. Çevik, A.S., (with Figen Açıl Kiraz), “The p-Cockcroft property of the Graph product”, Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat., Vol 53 (1) (2004).

B3. Çevik, A.S., (with Özgür, N. Y., Şahin, R.) “The Extended Hecke Groups as a Semi-Direct Product and Related Results”, Inter. J. of Applied Math. & Statistics, Vol 13, No. S08, 63-72, (2008).

B4. Çevik, A.S., (with Eylem Güzel), “On results of the holomorph of a finite cyclic group”, Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 1, 3-8, (2008).

B5. Çevik, A.S., (with I.N. Cangul) “Matroids in terms of Cayley Graphs and some related results”, General Mathematics, Vol. 17, No. 2, 87-97, (2009).

B6. Çevik, A.S., (with A. Dilek Gungor, E.G. Karpuz, F. Ates), “A New Example of Minimality of Monoids” AEJM – Asian Europen Journal of Mathematics, Vol 3(4), 531-544, (2010).

B7. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz and Firat Ates), “Regular and p-Inverse Monoids under Schutzenberger products”, Algebras, Groups and Geometries, Vol 27, Number 4, December 2010, 455-470.

B8. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz), “Some Decision Problems for Extended Modular Groups” Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math., Vol 35, 793-804, (2011).

B9. Çevik, A.S., (with I.N. Cangul, V. Lokesha, P.S. Ranjini), “Sharp bounds for $SZ$, $PI$ and $GA_2$ indices in terms of the number of triangles”, Ilirias Journal of Mathematics, Vol 4 Issue 1, 41-49, (2015), ISSN: 2334-6574.

B10. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, Sushmitha Jain, T. Deepika), “Operations on Dutch Windmill Graph of Topological indices”, Proceeding of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, Vol 21(3), 525-534, (2018).

B11. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, I.N. Cangul, M. Manjunath, B. Chaluvaraju, K.M. Devendraiah), “Computation of Adriatic indices of certain operators of regular and complete bipartite graphs”,  Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, Vol 28(2), 231-244, (2018).

B12. Çevik, A.S., (with E.G. Karpuz, N.U. Ozalan), “Gröbner-Shirshov Basis for Complex Reflection Group”, Konuralp Journal of Mathematics, Vol 7(1), 79-90, (2019), e-ISSN: 2147-625X

B13. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, R. Shruti), “M-Polynomial of subdivision and complementary graphs of Banana tree graph”  Journal of the International Mathematical Virtuel Institute, Vol 10(1), 157-182, (2020), DOI: 10.7251/JIMVI2001157L

B14. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, Sushmitha Jain, I. Naci Cangul), “New results on the F-index of graphs based on corona-type products of graphs”, Proceeding of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, Vol 23(2), 141-147, (2020).

B15. Çevik, A.S., (with P.G. Sheeja, P. S. Ranjini, V. Lokesha), “Computation of the SK index over different corona products of graphs”, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, Vol 10(1), 8-16, (2021).

B16. Çevik, A.S., (with P.G. Sheeja, P. S. Ranjini, V. Lokesha), “M-polynomials and Topological Indices of Benzene Ring Embedded in P Type Surface in 2D Network”, Chinese Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol 1(1), 39-47, (2021).

B17. Çevik, A.S., (with S. Suvarna, V. Lokesha), “VL Status Index and Co-index of Connected Graphs”, Proceeding of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, Vol 24(3), 285-295, (2021).

B18. Çevik, A.S., (with V. Lokesha, M. Manjunath, T. Deepika, I.N. Cangul), “Adriatic indices of some derived graphs of triglyceride”, South East Asian J. of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol 17(3), 285-298, (2021).

B19. Çevik, A.S., (with Siyat N. Noyan), "New classifications over wreath products of groups", Proceeding of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 26(2), 203-210, (2023).

B20. Çevik, A.S., (with Z. Luo, K. Xu, I. Gutman), “The average size of independent sets in unicyclic graphs”, Contributions to Mathematics, Vol 7, 1-10, (2023).

B21. Çevik, A.S., (with Umut Esen, M. Citil), “Some coloring results on special semigroups obtained from particular knots”, Journal of Universal Mathematics, Vol 7(2), 113-127, (2024).

B22. Çevik, A.S., “Matching some graph dimensions with special presentations”, Montes Taurus J. Pure Appl. Math., Vol 6(2), 78-89, (2024); Article ID: MTJPAM-D-24-00171.


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Lisansüstü derslerde kullanılmak amacıyla hazırlanan Lecture Notes - I, Some Topics of the COMBINATORIAL GROUP THEORY isimli kitabım Nobel Yayın Dağıtım tarafından Mart 2022 de satışa sunulmuştur.



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